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Accounting Management Exam Prep 2017 Edi


檔案大小:43.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Accounting Management Exam Prep 2017 Edition(圖1)-速報App

Do you really want to pass Accounting Management exam and/or expand your knowledge & expertise effortlessly?

This best seller mobile app helps you archive your goal easily by the following unique features:

- Break learning materials into small sets of practice questions & terms

- Master each set effortlessly by many ways: flashcard, matching game, true/false, multiple choice

- Detect & separate automatically the most difficult questions

- Track your learning process on every set and exam taken

Accounting Management Exam Prep 2017 Edition(圖2)-速報App

- Ready for the Exam by Exam Simulator

Premium Features:

+) Lifetime access to all Practice Questions & Terms prepared by EXPERTS for the most current exam.

+) Unlimited access to the EXAM BUILDER & SIMULATOR.

+) Automatically FILTER your most difficult questions.

+) PROGRESS TRACKING for every question & exam taken

Accounting Management Exam Prep 2017 Edition(圖3)-速報App

+) Lifetime support & updates

Free version:

+) Hundreds of practice questions & terms

+) 5 Free Exam Builder

+) Free Matching Game

+) Filter hardest and weakest questions

Accounting Management Exam Prep 2017 Edition(圖4)-速報App

Accounting Management (Business) is the practical application of management techniques to control and report on the financial health of the organization. This involves the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to provide financial data reporting for managerial decision making. This includes the maintenance of bank accounts, developing financial statements, cash flow and financial performance analysis. The process of preparing management reports and accounts that provide accurate and timely financial and statistical information required by managers to make day-to-day and short-term decisions.


This application is just an excellent tool for self-study and exam preparation. It's not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization, certificate, test name or trademark.

Accounting Management Exam Prep 2017 Edition(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad